The Crossing

The climb over the crossing took them two days. Travelling light, the three trust the news of the tower outpost being open for trade, as they have the coin but now little food. Qeth spied the burning tower first at the tipping point, from the steep climb to the sheer slope of the pass. Their news had proven true, and again they went over their plan to sell their bright lavish coats of merchants for the soft green cloaks and fur of hunters in the woods.

From there, they would strike out from the protected trade roads to the secret paths of the wild. Qeth still wonders if being so well dressed would draw questions of kidnapping after their disappearance. Dade doesn't think so. If at all, they would be just another disappearance in the Spines' frontier, just a rumor in a network of newsdealers he knows very well. Though the two argue often over plans, they are confident now.

Now, they have Orn; A true Eavidourian in hiding. Dade had found him in an alleyway, pretending to be mute to hide his accent, and with his hair stained with blood to hide it's colour. He was their key to go where no one of Qeth's kind could, together the three could go far.